Mission Statement

The PRIMARY MISSION of the WADE HAMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT is to provide a range of programs designed to protect the LIVES and PROPERTY of the inhabitants of the WADE HAMPTON DISTRICT from the adverse effects of FIRES, SUDDEN MEDICAL EMERGENCIES or exposure to DANGEROUS CONDITIONS created by either MAN or NATURE.

Fire Escape Plans

Households with children should walk through your home and inspect all possible exits and escape routes. It is good toconsider drawing a floor plan. Practice crawling low beneath the smoke.

Hotel and Motel fire safety tips

When traveling, it is important to become familiar with your surroundings. When traveling, it is important to become familiar with your surroundings.

Residential Fire Safety tips

Make sure you have visible and conspicuous house numbers posted on the street side of your home for all emergency responders. 

Smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are very important to have in every home.  They are an easy way to save lives in the event of a fire by alerting the occupants of a house when smoke is present.

Board of Commissioner Meetings and other Information

©2025 Wade Hampton Fire Department. All Rights Reserved.
